I got the last part for my PC in the mail today! This is going to be the first time in my life having a proper PC of my own. I'm excited but nervous to build it, I'm probably going to put it off for a few days... In the meantime I need to pick up a side table for it. Nothing much has happened this month. It's been a wholly unproductive January. I've mostly been sleeping and dealing with chronic health flareups. I had planned to play a lot more videogames this month but I was too fatigued most days. I did start Muv-Luv Extra and have been enjoying it immensely. It has all the things I love: Fei-Yen, the Dreamcast & PS2, Initial D (Ryousuke's voice actor voices his parody character), and most important of all, yakisoba-pan. I'm not really attached to the main cast quite yet. Usually when I don't have an attachment to any of the characters it's a slog to get through the game, but Extra has been so fun that it hasn't been a problem so far. I think I'll always associate Muv-Luv with January since the weather in the game is the same as it has been outside lately. Every time I hang out with the cast it feels like we're taking a walk through my own city. So far, Muv-Luv has been a very warming, comfortable experience.
I hope you all are doing well out there. I've been wanting to start this diary for years, but I find writing difficult and also embarrassing, so it took a while to start. I've had this webpage since 2017, which is over 7 years ago now (a little hard to believe). It's hard to find the creative juice to add something I actually like to this site, which is why it's so barren compared to its old age. Despite that, many people have come and gone, and I've somehow gotten to 220,000 views and many wonderful comments in my guestbook. The messages people leave behind have given me a lot of strength, and I re-read them often. I don't view my site as particularly interesting or worthwhile, as it was originally supposed to be a sort of personal haven for myself. There aren't very many things other people might find interesting on here. One of my resolutions for 2025 was to fix that. I'd like to work on making this site a more interactable place for those who come to visit. In the future, I hope people are able to take something personal away or find comfort from this little space on the World Wide Web.